Sunday, September 15, 2013

King James Version?

Who wrote/translate The Bible?

It is said that the Holy Bible is the "inspired" word of God.
"Inspired" simply means extraordinary quality of creative external impulse. But truth be told the Bible was written by men/ scribes of flesh with either great imagination  for story telling or historians simply recording the traditions, beliefs, practices of a civilization. Who truly knows the original words of God when there have been countless translating, adding and subtracting scriptures. Not to mention meetings held to make important decisions on what to include in the Bible such as the meeting of "The 1st Counsel of Nicaea" where religious men met and made decisions on the Christological nature of Jesus, his relationship to the father and adding pagan holidays to worship him like Easter! How do we know these men were "Inspired by God?" There were over 1800 ( some say 300 actually showed)Bishops and attendees which included Priests and Catholic Bishops.
Not to mention Constantine Emperor of Rome who was a member of  Sol Invictus ( Unconquered Sun). Constantine who could mingle well with both Pagan and Christians alike was familiar with Sun God worship. So maybe even he knew the truth about the Greek name "Jesus" when he supposedly "converted."

so you see the connections?? I hope so!

In Terms of translating the Bible to our current version (King James) well get ready for some interesting findings!

Why The King James Bible?

The most well known and most accepted version of today is the KJV. It is in almost every Christian churches, homes, hotel dressers you can basically get one for free! Why is this Bible the most easily obtained? Considering the cost of printing them. Some say it is the closes translation of God's words we own. What led them to such a confident declaration?  Why do we trust it only and condemn the mere thought of other "missing" gospels?

There is no evidence none can provide to state their claims or justifiable proof that KJV is indeed error proof word of God.

"KJV Bible was produced from a half-dozen relatively late manuscripts selected by Erasmus who used them in 1516 to write the Greek text employed by the King James translators—who themselves placed critical notes and variant readings in the first edition. Actually, they used Erasmus’ text as it had been revised by Stephanus (1551) and Beza (1589–1598). Yet KJVO writers assume that these manuscripts were somehow "divinely inspired" and "preserved from all error". Out of the hundreds of carefully copied Old Testament Hebrew manuscripts and the thousands of New Testament Greek manuscripts, only a small portion of these manuscripts were actually divinely inspired and protected in order to produce the King James Bible. Obviously, those who defend the King James Version only must claim to know which of all the manuscript copies were inspired and which were not. On what basis do they make such a claim?"-Edwin A. Blum, "The Apostles’ View of Scripture,"

 Rather than assume that only one family of manuscripts has been divinely inspired and protected, the evidence tells us that no single manuscript or family of manuscripts is 100% perfect. Why? Because copyists’ errors exist in every manuscript we possess and this can be proven merely by looking at them.
Even very careful copyists always make a few mistakes. But if no manuscript is perfect, this is also true for Bible translations.

King James (KJV)

Who is this infamous King that goes by the name James? Who stamps the Holy Word of God with his own name and title? Who won the trust of so many Christians?
If you do a Google search you will find tons of information on King James. The problem is shifting through the Bias portrayals of his life to know who he truly was. I myself had not found substantial information at first and this bothered me, there are 100 different sides telling 100 different versions. Atheist vs Christians, both with an agenda and your trying to find a medium. So I look for evidence and links (not web links but history linkages).Sometimes you  just  have to do a bit of detective work, and approach such important topics  with a clear un bias mindset (mind you this is something very personal to me) eventually things began to add up!

 I stumbled upon a YouTube video of a man exposing a Freemason Bible 1 year ago which stunned me! The man in the video was a Christian who some how got a hold of this Bible and was supposedly using it to expose the freemasons. I remember this video and watched it again recently as I was putting the pieces together. With a bit of research  I found a Christian site exposing the various freemason symbols scattered all over the 1611 KJV Bible! ( I am not sure if this was the same Bible shown on YouTube but it was still relevant to the topic at hand).

Here is a link to the site:

This was a Christian believer of the KJV attempting to prove that "Satan" tried to add to the word of God but did not succeed. I chuckled to myself shaking my head at the ignorance of fundamentalist Christians who try to cover up or deny truth and when they can no longer do so, they expose it as a work of Satan. I remember something about King James and his connection to Masonry ( a pagan order), KJ had an editor name Sir Francis Bacon who was a 33rd degree freemason. He was the one reported to have place these symbols in the 1611 KJV and although some Christians swear up on down that he did not have a hand in the Bible, evidence is clear that He did. But there was no evidence that King James  had a problem with it, or that he made a fuss. The Puritans had a huge issue though and demanded to have these illustrations removed.

You know that old saying "Birds of a feather flock together?" What was King James doing handing over this Bible to a Freemason to edit or look over? So I am to believe that King James (being a King) had no association with Masonry?  Why did it even dawn on Bacon to add those illustrations to the Bible? Yet Christians proudly proclaim their KJV. Bible named after a king who had association in an Occult order.

Maybe... when Sir Bacon read this Bible, he related the figure (Jesus or other elements) to have  striking resemblance to ancient pagan beliefs!
Today the KJV Bible is the Center of Freemasonry rituals and foundations.
As you can see on this link Masons Love their Bibles!

So did the Illuminati had a hand in the Bible. Based on these findings...high possibility. They love throwing up the "devil sign" or the "horned sign" of a Bull!

KJV 1611

"In the 1611 KJ New Testament the name Yahshua (Yehoshua) appeared originally wherever the Messiah was spoken of.  Yehoshua means Yehovah's (Jehovah's) Salvation.  Later the
Messiah's name was replaced with Iesus (Greek) which later in the 1600's it became Jesus starting with the new English letter "J" which was introduced at that time.  Further, the Greek "Iesus"
comes from the name Zeus, the ruling God  in the Greek pantheon."--
Gospel of The Kingdom
True Names and Title Dr. Henry Clifford Kinley 1931 - Ohio USA

So are christians unknowingly worshiping an old ancient God? A sun God? that is now known as "Jesus?" passed down from ancient Canaanite Gods? Again high Possibility and the evidences are piling.

Note from Author:

 My intent was never to refute or disprove Christianity. I began my research on the bases of wanting to learn more about my faith and to refute anti-Christians who did not believe in what I did. But in my search to learn more about the God I served for over 30 years it has led me to these findings I could not ignore. I am still on a journey and I welcome any who wish to refute my findings with sound evidence and logic. Refute history because History is what brought us to where we are now. If you cannot then leave with some understanding of my reasons. Most Christians only follow this Bible because they were brought up under an authority who was devoted to it. They believe it to be true based on what they see of other Christians or some "personal encounter". The pastor of my church made the statement "I believed the bible had to be true because of what I saw in my parents and others around me." what did he see? A change in lifestyle perhaps. It sure was not his deep study and research of this book and its history that led him to a conclusion but it was a legacy left by his fathers.

I am not  here to discourage any Christian from their faith but only to challenge this faith, just as you would any other faiths.

It is also interesting that when I stumble across Christian apologetic articles and sites such as CARM...they are un able to give clear understanding or answer to the question "Did Christians and Jews borrow their theology from pagan Mythology?" . Read in the link below how they attempt to refute this very topic on Canaanites influence by answering a question with their own questions! They danced around the topic, mention some ambiguous secular scholars ( note how they make sure to mention these scholars are "secular" to attempt to nullify any trust. Be careful this type of attempt is bases for bias information!), they demonize and ostracize the Canaanites! All in attempt to make this idea laughable or absurd to readers! All the while NEVER providing ANY SOUND FACTS OR EVIDENCES that history has clearly shown and proven!

I am not an Atheist because I still believe that there is a creator that exists, I currently believe all religion is false and all worship the same pagan gods. Christians will say Satan parallel these Gods,  but going back as far as the ancient civilizations, clearly there is more to it than what is told. No where in the Bible or any where else does it state Satan practices parallelism of this nature just simple speculations. And if indeed this is true, how can we be sure that this current  faith isn't another one of  Satan's deceptive device? The Bible seems to be regurgitated tales of other Ancient epics and folk lores, it seems more like a modified book that serves mostly to express the culture and belief of a group. A culture that took many of its own beliefs from an earlier civilization in history. I have no time for theory or assumptions provided in Christendom any longer. Honestly this has hurt me deeply but I can't stop digging!

Please look out for my next research on "Satan" currently in the works!

"The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see."
 -- Winston Churchill

Jesus Son or Sun of God?

Tracing translations of His (Yaweh) son  "Jesus"

There is a big debate going on in regards to the translation of the name Yehashua or Y'shua from Hebrew to the Greek word Iesous/Ihsous. Some argue that Jesus is just another Greek name for Zeus and Iesous meant "Hail Zeus" or "Son of Zeus."

But this is because of the similarity in the sounds the "us" makes in the names. People should not focus so much on Zeus and Jesus in just sound but more so on the root and origins of the names.
I found that "Jesus" is indeed an inherited name taken from Ieso ( Greek Goddess of Healing) Greeks would ad "us" to ending of names to give it a more masculine sound. So I could easily say Jesus is the "Healer of Zeus." which would not be far fetch. Greeks are known for creating names that associate with their main God in their Pantheon to keep his memory alive.

But I will present to you a deeper, possibly the true origin and purpose for this chosen name for the Christian savior God... Jesus. And show that just maybe everyone is correct with the connection of Jesus to Zeus!

Evolution of the name Jesus:

When the Greeks wanted to turn a Hebrew name into a Greek name there were two ways to bring it across the language barrier. One way was by translation, which tries to capture the meaning of a word ... but in the process, loses it's sound. The other way was by transliteration, which tries to capture the sound of the Hebrew word ... but in the process, loses it's meaning.
Let's look at the most probable scenario of how the four Hebrew letters in the name Y'-Sh-U-A (Yod-Shin-Vav-Ayin) were transliterated to Koine Greek.
  • The first Hebrew letter YOD has a “YE” sound. Unfortunately, the Greek language does not have a letter nor a diphthong that has the "Y" sound as in YES! The Greek solution was to pair the two letters IOTA-ETA to produce the sound “EE-AY” which was deemed to be close enough to the Hebrew sound "YE."
  • The second Hebrew letter SHIN has the "SH" sound. This was an even bigger problem because the "SH" sound does not exist in Greek. The Greek solution was to employ the "S" sound made by the letter SIGMA.
  • The third Hebrew letter Vav has a "U" sound. The Greek diphthong "ou" OMICRON-UPSILON is an exact match because it has the same "OO" sound.
  • The fourth Hebrew letter AYIN has the "AH" sound. According to the Greek rules of grammar, masculine names never end in a vowel sound, and when they do, the name should always be closed with the letter "S" whenever possible. The Greek solution was to drop the final "AH" sound and close out the name with an "S."
  • These four steps produce the name “Iesous” (IhsouV) which is pronounced "EE-AY-SOOS." The name Jesus now has an isopsehia value of "888" units which conjured up the power of 888 a powerful number in Greek which represents a Sun Deity ( in Greek Geometric).

 How convenient is it that this name as it was translated added up to the numerical value of a Sun Deity? You see both Hebrew and Greek written language has numerical values!

Christian Argument of the name Jesus vs Yeshua

If you were to search the web or ask a Christian why  call him Jesus and not Yeshua, you would find  that Christians will attempt to justify their reasoning by making all other translation suddenly  acceptable. They will say it does not matter what name you call him, his name is the same in any language. These Christians are contradicting themselves and their very faith.
If they believe that the name Jesus has power in it (which many believe and would never call him any thing else including Yeshua) and that there is NO OTHER NAME GIVEN but this name Jesus, how then can they switch up  and become so flexible when confronted with his true name Yeshua? They believe this name Jesus is the saving name, to be worshipped, to be called upon, to receive power. Their hymns and songs expresses the importance and sacredness of that name Jesus as it is written and pronounced. And the majority are ENGLISH SPEAKERS who choose to call him by his Greek name!
So the basis of their argument "it doesn't matter how it is translated, whether in Spanish, Cantonese or Hebrew, its the same God and he does not care what name you call him" the problem is the name Jesus is pronounced based on someone's language. So again if you are an English speaker based on your argument then you should have no problem saying "Joshua" and applying the same principle power with this name!
 So how could Yehashua a Hebrew name is now acceptable translated as Jesus in our English language? Was this done on purpose to carry on the worship of a false Greek God? Should we not take caution to this possibility?  Yehashua is translated to Joshua in English and it has no resemblance to any other Greek God's names! The "J" in Jesus was introduced some 400 years later into the English language it was IESUS (EE-AY-SOOS) in Latin which sounds even closer to ZEUS! Zeus in written Greek is Dios. So some argue that there is no way Jesus is related to Zeus based on the difference in written translation. But when you look at the ROOT, the ORIGIN of the name itself it has strong pagan sun worship connections! In Latin before it became Jesus it was IESUS which was the spelling used in the 1611 KJV Bible!

Iesus is also connected to Goddess Isis and her son Isu. In the Reallexikon der Agpyptischen Religionsgeschihte the name Isis appears as Esu or ES in hieroglyphic inscription. Sounds a lot like Jesu. Anyone saying Iesus would most definitely think of Zeus!
"It is known that the Greek name
endings with sus, seus, and sous
were attached by the Greeks to names
and geographical areas as means to
give honour to their supreme deity, Zeus."- Dictionary of Christian Lore & Legend

 Jesus is sun God Helios and the "Church" is Circe ( Daughter of Helios)!

If Jesus is actually the son of an ancient Phoenician pantheon God (EL) it would  make sense connecting him to Greek God like Zeus, he may not be directly related to Zeus but he is another Sun figure, another personification for the SUN. And the connections to a sun deity HELIOS (in which the numerical value of his Greek name shows) seems even more plausible.

Helios was imagined as a handsome god crowned with the shining aureole of the Sun, who drove the chariot of the sun across the sky each day to earth-circling Oceanus and through the world-ocean returned to the East at night. Homer described Helios's chariot as drawn by solar steeds (Iliad xvi.779); later Pindar described it as drawn by "fire-darting steeds" (Olympian Ode 7.71). Still later, the horses were given fiery names: Pyrois, Aeos, Aethon, and Phlegon.
As time passed, Helios was increasingly identified with the god of light, Apollo. However, in spite of their syncretism, they were also often viewed as two distinct gods (Helios was a Titan, whereas Apollo was an Olympian). The equivalent of Helios in Roman mythology was Sol, specifically Sol Invictus.

"Sol Invictus" as you continue to read the rest of the related blogs in regards to the Counsel of Nicea where high religious officials gathered to determine the role of Christ. Constantine was a worshipper of the Sun God and was part of Sol Invictus!

His "church" is Circe a Goddess, his daughter!

Church - The etymology of this word is generally assumed to be from the Greek, Kuriou oikos (house of God); but this is most improbable, as the word existed in all the Celtic dialects long before the introduction of Greek. No doubt the word means “a circle.” The places of worship among the German and Celtic nations were always circular. (Welsh, cyrch; French, cirque; Scotch, kirk; Greek, kirk-os, etc.)  Compare Anglo-Saxon circe, a church, with circol, a circle. E. Cobham Brewer 1810–1897. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. 1898.
So the plot thickens! How can any Christians deny these strong connections and evidence of the God they serve! Satan parallel highly unlikely! This is mere study of the history of civilizations. If the only argument to all these evidence is answered by "satan paralleling" or deceiving then who is to say Jesus isn't another one of his deceptions??

I also came across an interesting find in regards to the Holy Trinity. It appears the the very name Israel may incorporate 3 Gods in one! IS RA EL (Isis, RA/sun deity and Father God EL)
check this out:

Israel in Hieroglyphics:

As you can clearly see the  Isis figure(seated woman) is also inserted within Israel (Ysyrial). And the 3 marks/diagonal lines below the male and female/Isis represents the trinity (3 Gods) which includes a matriach!

Buddha Theory to test:

Jesus disciple of Buddha? Buddha existed around 500 years prior to the appearance of Christ.
There are a lot of similarities in their teachings and existence. One would most definitely can connect the two! Also the Bible only records 3years of Jesus's adulthood, where was he for 18 years of his life? Many theorized that he was busy studying from the ancient mystery schools becoming an enlightened being.

Zodiac Theory test:

Another interesting thing is if you ever looked at a zodiac wheel it has the cross in the middle with the Sun hanging from the cross surrounded by the 12 houses of the zodiac.

Sun/son hanging on a cross?12 zodiac houses (12 disciples)? zodiac signs of Taurus BULL/Aries (lamb)/ Pisces ( fisher of men, feeding a multitude with 2 fish)? could it be? well I will allow you to see the possible connections here for yourself! But I am aware of the many debates and arguments on this alone, I am not much of a theory based presenter, I am more focused on looking at hard lets look at the facts...

Sun setting represents its death and when it rises again, to the ancients it was resurrected. Its all about the sun's movements and stars! The Crux or Cross is formed from the constellations. As you can see the sun hangs on the cross/crux.
So all these stars point to the SUN on Dec 25th! this is why the kings follow the star to locate the Birth of the King or the Sun rise! Jesus born of a Virgin in zodiac its represented by Virgo! From Dec 22-24 the sun stops moving south in its rotation for 3 days and then on December 25th it moves about an inch to the North. So the sun Dies for 3 days and then resurrects!
So is this all mere coincidences, satanic parallels to deceive? How so, when very few know about this information  and yet Billions worship Jesus and the Bible and believe it to be valid.

IS-RA-EL (Isis-Amun RA-EL)?
Jesus says I am the "AMEN" ( Amun RA?)