Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ancient Gods and The Bible

Ancient Phoenicians/Canaanites.

Short history of Canaanites:
The Canaanite culture originated at the same time as the Babylonian culture out of the chaos surrounding the Semitic Amorite invasion / infiltration of Sumeria beginning around 2,200 BC. By the time cultural stability was restored around 1800 BC the Babylonians existed in Mesopotamia while the Canaanites (Phoenicians) existed along the Mediterranean. Tablets describing the Canaanite gods including BAAL were found in the ruins of the Canaanite city of Ugarit (also known as Ras Shamra) located on the modern coast of Lebanon. These tablets were dictated by the chief priest of Ugarit to a scribe between 1375 and 1345 BC. The city itself was destroyed around 1200 BC by the Sea Peoples at nearly the same time that the Israelites emerged into history


The Phoenicians also known as Canaanites was recorded to be one of the earliest civilizations tracing back in history. They were the first to develop our language and is known for creating the Alphabet. In the midst of creating language and words they defined their supreme God EL with the head of an ox.

Here we have the letter "A" which was developed as the Alpha of the created language its very shape originated from the Phoenician Bull God Alef/Aleph. The "el" comes from the symbol of a staff which is often placed with the ox symbol  to represent "Father EL/God" the picture below shows the evolution of  the letter "A" and its relation/resemblance to the OX in how it was formed. This is why El/God is the Alpha (creator God) now we see where the Hebrew God  is also considered The Alpha!

Hebrew is a Canaanite dialect because Hebrews dwelled in land of Canaan and it is believed that they have taken many cultural practices from the ancient Phoenician/Canaanites with them during their inquisitions.

here is proof that Hebrew's did indeed inherit the very word Aleph from the Phonecians to describe their God of the Bible.


It is also interesting that the Hebrews happen to be the chosen people/tribe that received favor above all other races including the Canaanites to this God. They had a God that catered to their own people, incorporated him into their brand new civilization.

Father God "EL" of Ancient Canaanites

EL  Leader of the gods. The first Canaanite god, El dwelt on Mount Saphon, and it was under his aegis that Baal married Anat, defeated the sea god Yam and the death lord Mot, and was installed as the divine bestower of life-giving rain. Represented as an aged man, El wore bull's horns, the symbol of strength, and was usually depicted as seated. It is thought that he corresponded to the Hebrew god, Yahweh. He is also known as El 'Elyon, "God Most High." El is the name of the God in the Canaanite pantheon. Under El is a list of gods & goddesses including Baal ( storm god EL's son).-Encyclopedia Mythica

BAAL speaking - "So, MY father, EL the BULL, won't you bless him? Creator of all, won't you show him your favor?"

EL (God of the Patriarchs). Do bare plenty of similar traits of the Hebrew God Elhoim.

El was head of a council of all the ancient Phoenician's gods.
He dwells on a mountain top in a tent
EL is father of all creatures, creator of man kind and gods.
He is represented by a Bull/OX 
He guides, protects and promises "descendants" (similar to holy spirit).
He was described to be as strong as an ox (represented by a figure of a Shepard's staff with ox).

Biblical EL of the Bible

When Canaanites were in the midst of being conquered and scattered, their civilization went through a period of division. South vs North ( or west vs east) One group wanted to distinguish its self from the next and so they decided to develop their own unique cultural practices and beliefs (even languages: Hebrew is Ugarit Language.) this included the God EL that they shared belief in, they gave this God some slight changes but the root remain the same. This separated group became known as the Israelites! This is why the similarities between the Canaan Gods and Hebrew's are so parallel.

So just as El was the supreme God/Deity of the Canaanites, El is translated as God in the Hebrew Bible. El-ohim is the plural form of EL. Because He "EL" judge the people and the gods he soon came to be seen as the supreme God (the equivalent of ancient EL), and finally as the ONLY "true" God for all people ( based on Jewish adaptations).

Below we see the earlier  understanding of Isra EL.

Psalm 82:1: God (EL) has taken his place in the congregation of the  mighty, he judgeth among the gods or the Elhoim (counsel of gods under him).

Psalm 29:1: Give unto Yahweh, o ye mighty (sons of EL), give unto the Lord (Yahweh) glory and strength.

There are countless Biblical reference to EL or even names ending with the "EL"
  • Adel – God is eternal
  • Immanuel – God is with us
  • Michael – Who is like God
  • Rafael – God has healed or God Cures
  • Israel – One who wrestled with God or the Champion of God
  • Daniel – God is my judge
  • Ezekiel – God strengthens
  • Samuel – His name is God or God has heard
  • Ariel – God’s lion
  • Ishmael – God Hears/Listens
He (EL) was derived from the Sumerian God AN. AN was the oldest of the Sumerian gods and is called Anu by the Akkadians. He is first in the trinity of gods, Anu (sky God son of the Amurrite God, Amurru, he was considered the original El Shadai or Bel Sade), Bel and Ea.

There are also numerous documents that confirm the Hittites were the first followers of Yahweh. Moses, in the Bible was married to daughter of an  Hittite Priest, Jethro.

“El” meant, “Lord” in Sumerian, and rather than specifically referring to a god, was merely a title of reverence.

With Akkadian dominance, a new pantheon of gods was introduced, along with the Akkadian word, “En,” which had basically the same meaning as the Sumerian word, “El.”

At some point El and Yahweh may have either merged into one who one took full power. It is theorized that perhaps Yahweh was one of the gods under the counsel of EL and was given the task to rule over the Israelites and man kind.

Biblical passages reaffirm this archaic view of Yahweh as a god in El’s council. Psalm 82:1 speaks of the “assembly of El,” Psalm 29:1 enjoins “the sons of El” to worship Yahweh, and Psalm 89:6-7 lists Yahweh among El’s divine council.

 At some point Yahweh forbid the people from worshipping any God above him (ordered for no images to be made of El/bull god). Perhaps it was a way for the Hebrews to be as distinct as possible from their old identity to the Canaan religion (or any other religion).

Symbols of an Alien Sky

After studying this Bull God of Ancient Phoenicians for over a month, by chance I stumbled across a documentary on YouTube called "Symbols of an Alien sky" a well put together unbiased history film about ancient civilizations and the birth of God/Goddess worship. This film is based on  historical research only, nothing to do with disproving any faiths but to bring a true perspective on earlier civilizations and how their understanding of the world around them was shaped.

The movie is an hour long and may seem boring at first but stick with it. It will bring all this info I present a clearer perspective and understanding and it will blow your mind!

On another note I had contacted a Canaanite descent who had a Youtube channel devoted to the history of Canaanites. I asked him whether he felt the "El" God of the Bible had any significance to the ancient Canaanite's God "EL", his response:

"There are a few Canaanite languages: Hebrew, Ugaritic, Phoenician, Punic, Moabite, Edomite, and Ammonite are among them.
El in Canaanite languages does indeed mean 'God'. That includes in the Bible, which is written in Hebrew. Many of the attributes of El in Canaanite religion also pass on into Judaism as well."

Please continue on to further studies:

Jesus Son or Sun of God?

King James Version?

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